Recently Google released their Hummingbird update to their
search engine. This update was far more in depth than recent updates such as
the Panda and Penguin updates, featuring re-tooling and behind the scenes
updates of the search engine itself to help it perform smarter and faster. If
you have been keeping up to date with all of the Google updates, you would know
that the Panda update helped to remove bad content from search results and that
Penguin pretty much removed low-quality links from search results. As
Hummingbird has taken affect, we can only look into whether SEO and
link-building will be non-existent in the future.
What is Hummingbird?
Hummingbird to marketers is similar to buying a new house with
all new appliances as opposed to just painting your existing, older home. It
helps to deliver more relevant results to users faster. Danny Sullivan,
editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land, put it best:

Hummingbird was created to make everyone's lives easier through user experience
improvements including:
- Updates to the knowledge graph (comparisons and
Conversational, cross-platform search
Better mobile search experience
Google is making sure that the content that shows in the results are designed
for the user, not for keyword-stuffed content.
Future of SEO
in the past, where results were delivered to the user based on keyword
relevancy and link quality, the Hummingbird update aims to deliver the best
results to the user based on the meaning behind the search query. For example,
when someone is searching for "best hamburgers" on their desktop it
may mean that they are looking for recipes, whereas if they are searching for
"best hamburgers" on their mobile they may be looking for a
restaurant nearby with the best hamburgers around. Conversational
search is also playing a larger part of SEO, as Google hopes to answer user
next question even before users type it in the search bar.
Future of Link Building
much of the "spam" link-building and low-quality content has been
removed or punished by the Penguin and Panda updates, some still exists, and
Hummingbird aims to remove it faster than the previous updates. So how can marketers build links within these
new updates parameters? Simply put, by building quality content that meets the
specific needs of users and is in-depth. No longer are poorly written, low
quality articles or blog posts going to be a factor in search results. Link
building within the Hummingbird update is very similar to what marketers should
have been doing before the update:
Developing high-quality, amazing content
Getting to know influencers in your space
Online community contribution
Asking friends to considering sharing content
(when appropriate)
Bank on earning your links naturally
the end, while Hummingbird has changed the way SEO and link building works, it
has only urged and pushed marketers to adapt to a more timely and efficient way
of serving users. Instead of creating keyword heavy content, marketers can now
create high-quality and relevant content that will better serve the end users
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