As the shift of getting information switches from desktops
to mobile devices, the healthcare industry can reap great benefits from
utilizing current mobile apps to provide for, track symptoms, and mange the
time of customers and their appointments. Below are just a few of the ways
mobile apps are changing the healthcare industry today.
Building Better Client Relationships

Cost Effective Marketing Tool
Unlike a Yellow Pages ad or website, a mobile application
that is downloaded onto a patient or customers mobile device is within arm's
reach of that person for the entire day and night. The ability to have this
type of brand presence and the knowledge that patients and customers have their
phone on them at all times can lead to push notifications of special offers,
availability of the next open time for a visit, and many other marketing
opportunities at a low-cost. The mobile app also allows healthcare
professionals to share informative articles, blog posts and news to their
patients and customers in a way that is easily readable for people on the go.
Improved Patient Safety
Similar to building better client relationships with mobile
apps, healthcare professionals can help improve patient safety with mobile
apps. Whereas today patients leave an office with a stack of papers and little
memory of what they are supposed to do, healthcare professionals can add and
tag relevant news articles and treatments to their blog, which can be uploaded
to the mobile app. Mobile apps can also allow for a "pill reminder"
to help ensure that the sick and elderly remember to take certain pills at
specific times.
In the future, as more and more people begin owning and
using smartphones, and technology advances, we should begin to see mobile apps
that allow for tracking of blood pressure, workout routines, and many other topics
that can be researched and studied to help healthcare professionals find out
what are the best treatments or solutions for their patients and customers. It
is important that healthcare professionals begin looking at mobile technology
as an extended knowledge base and staff member for their team, as not only will
it soon be something that every healthcare office has, but something that every
healthcare office will come to rely on in terms of patient relationships,
marketing themselves, and improving patient safety.
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